The Genieri Collection

Registered in Scotland as Charity Number SC046573


The Gambia is poorer than we know.

Please help Jim and Sophie help the little ones.

Our Newsletters  2012 - How it all began


On our first trip to his village up country with Sutay we had no idea that Genieri Collections would be born four years later.

Sophie breakfasting with the village elders

Some of Sutay’s family - his father, Sutay, Lamin(1st son), Sophie, Sutay’s sisters, the latest baby in the family


Reading story books


Pounding  rice for porridge


A trip to the original Ladies Gardens with Lamin, Baboucarr (2nd son)and the donkey cart.

Early Learning with Foday 


We also visited the village day care centre and it was so basic compared with our country’s nurseries. The headmaster Foday was loved and respected by the children, but they were so short of everything.


“I even had to buy a razor blade with my own money (to sharpen the pencils)” Foday told us, and that’s when the story of our Genieri Collections charity began. We vowed to come back with paper, pencils, notebooks and pencil sharpeners, sometime in the future.


It was four years before that happened, but we had told many of our friends and family about the village and their day care centre’s needs, and started collecting ‘stuff’ to take out with us in January 2016.


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